Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Mistakes That Make People Leave The Website

Many are obsessed with the number of site visitors they get on their site. One of the main goals of running a website is to get people to visit the site, and once they visit, we’ would want them to stick around for a little longer. People visit a particular site looking for something, be it a product, or certain information. Whatever it is, they should be able to find what they are looking for easily, without any hassle.

There are certain rules to be followed to achieve this, let’s have a look:
Bad Navigation:
Getting the site and the blog navigation right in order is absolutely crucial, in order to get people to visit the site and stay a little longer. Nothing frustrates the visitors more than the site that is complex and difficult to navigate. Bad navigation can leave customers angry and make them leave the site without going through all the pages.
This is certainly not the kind of respond a business owner would want. Bad navigation kills the conversions.
Too many Ads:
Ads can be profitable; however showing too many ads causes distraction. Suffocating the visitors with ads that pop, flash, and fill the entire browser will only serve to enrage them. As a general rule, ads shouldn’t be the first thing visitors see. The ads shouldn’t cover the important content of the website that attracted the visitors in the first place.
Bad Content Structure:
Statistics reveal that almost 50% of sales are lost because people can’t easily find the content that they are looking for. It is good to organize the content in a clear and concise manner. Group relevant information together, for example, it is not recommended to make people browse around 50 different pages to find the information that they need to make a decision about in the offerings. It is not a good idea to distribute the content across multiple pages that can be easily communicated on one page. It is also beneficial to include the introductory content.
Obtrusive use of Video or Audio:
Audio or video that loads automatically can get very annoying. People like to choose the content that they want to consume, never force it down their throats. It is better to avoid videos that automatically stream and intrude on visitors browsing experience. It is also recommended to avoid the loud and obnoxious music that plays in the background.
The Registration requirement:
There are plenty of membership-based businesses that require users to register, even before they could consume the content of the website. This mostly results in, people leaving the site straight away. In most cases requiring registration is not a right way to go. However, if a visitor must register to interact with the site, offer them a preview or a demo.
Boring content, Boring Design:
The Visual design of the website plays as much of an important role as the actual content does. According to a survey 40% of the people don’t visit the site again after having a negative experience. A dull website without any purpose or interactivity will never create a memorable experience for the visitors. Minimalistic websites can also be made very effective and beautiful if done correctly. It is important to make sure that the site has utility and that the visitors have no trouble finding what they need. Blogs, forums and special features are a good example to enhance the interactivity with the visitors.
Poor Legibility:
Don’t make the fonts too fancy, and small, it is good to remember that what people can’t read, they won’t, and just leave the page. Bad typography choices, abrasive colors, and excessive typos all contribute to poor legibility. Use of florescent colors can be distracting and abrasive.  The color palette, the typeface, and the general tone of the website can have an enormous impact on the conversions and customers retention.
Lack of Frequency:
After getting a right balance of interactivity, design, and content construction, it will be good to keep the site updated with the fresh content. Update the content frequently. This will boost the interest level in the site and also contribute to higher rankings on the search engines. Adding a blog to the site will prove to be beneficial, blogging is an easy way to keep the content fresh and update the visitors with news and events.
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